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The life and times of everyone's favorite Jess while she's living it up in Europe.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election such and such

I know, I've been posting a lot, but hey, it's election day, so deal with it.

I just go around to checking out The Greenville News's endorsements. I loved my time at the paper, but I think that I will have to really consider the editorial pages of newspaper I want to work at in real life, because I seem to be diametrically opposed to nearly everything TGN states that it supports.

A YES for Amendment 1 with NO explanation? No thank you!

The State also takes a cowardly route and votes yes, but at least gives some explanation. However, the explanation they give is pathetic. "So we can move on to other issues." Yeah, Brad Warthen, that's good logic. Why not just blow up all of Iraq, so we can move on? Why not kill everyone who poses any threat to the US, so we can move on. That's idiotic reasoning if I have ever heard any. Not to mention, it doesn't explain the decision. By that logic, just vote NO and move on.

Over at the Post & Courier, the editorial board makes the lovely statement that voters should choose on a case-by-case basis, and not on straight party lines. How refreshing! However, they still lean towards Republicans, and also vote Yes on Amendment 1. Election Day every year in South Carolina and Texas is a painful reminder of how different I am ideologically than many of the people I live with.

I won't delve in to individual candidates, especially since I didn't vote for any of them. (I voted in Texas.) I'm sure I'll come back and edit this as the day goes on and I start to hear things. I'm basicially begging for phone calls to update me on how the election turns out but I suppose I can wait until morning if I really have to. The other thing about that is I have no class tomorrow morning, just a field trip in the afternoon, so I'd have to commute two hours back and forth from the city because of course, I have no functional computer at home.


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