Read more! Jess in Denmark

The life and times of everyone's favorite Jess while she's living it up in Europe.

Monday, October 02, 2006

FCK vs. Brøndby

Vi elsker, vi elsker, vi elsker Parken

The FCK fan section, which was literally hopping up and down for most of the game.

On Sunday, a lot of DIS kids went to the FCK vs. Brøndby soccer game, billed as a rivalry similar to the Red Sox vs. Yankees. Personally, I thought the game was kind of tame, especially for a European soccer game, but then, Danes are pretty mild in general.

I did see more smoke bombs (this would never happen in the States) and seat-throwing (literally ripping up their seats) than I expected, especially from the Brøndby side. Brøndby fans have reputations as rough-necks, and they definitely tried to start a lot of fights after losing 1-0 to F.C.København. Security was insane after the game, with strong lines of men wearing electric green vests blocking the field, and outside, about 10 police vans with full riot gear, ready to arrest at the blow of a punch. My Danish teacher was talking about this and said she was mad taxpayer dollars were going to paying for that many police to be there all over a silly soccer game.

I must say, our halftime shows beat theirs without any question.

I enjoyed the game much more than I thought I would, though it made me really miss football season! The stadium, Parken, is the largest in Denmark, and holds 40,000 people, compared to glorious Williams-Brice Stadium, which holds around 80,000. I have to say, however, that soccer fans are much better at staying for the whole game than Gamecock fans. The game went by a lot faster than the football games seem to do, probably because we weren't standing in 97-degree heat under the sun. In October.
Player getting helped off the field by medics

Speaking of which, how is it October? I know I didn't leave until the end of August, but wow, it doesn't seem like it's already Halloween month (and I'm missing it - killer). On actual Halloween, I will be somewhere in the forest of the Czech Republic. I think we are supposed to be sleeping in a castle. So I guess I can live without costumes for that. (When I get back's Non-Halloween Costume Party time!)

I'm actually going to split this off into a separate post about life in Albert-slum and feeling a part of the city. Enjoy soccer pictures. I'm realizing that I need to start taking pictures with things and not just of things, so I'll work on that.


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